Getting Started On Kosmc : How to Create Your Free Account

Step 1: Registration


Desktop Users : Go to Kosmc.ai and click on the Get Started button on the top right corner.

Mobile Users : Go to Kosmc.ai, click on hamburger bar ( 3 lines on top left corner )  and click on the Signup button as shown in pic below.

Step 2  : Enter a unique username in the designated field.

Claim your desired username by typing in the box as shown in image

Step 3: 

Login with Google 

Select “Sign up with Google” to effortlessly create your Kosmc.ai account using your existing Google credentials.

Login with Email

Sign up with your email and a strong, secure password of your choice.

login using gmail account or enter your own email and password

Read Terms and Conditions

Before proceeding, we encourage you to read our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy to understand our policies and guidelines.

P.S. If you encounter any issues during the registration process or have questions about your account, please don’t hesitate to contact us!



Congratulations! You’ve officially set up your Kosmc.AI account. Explore the services listed on Dashboard to unlock the full potential of our platform and start maximizing your journey with us!

Mansi Narula Kashyap, a Delhiite with a flair for Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, traded the corporate hustle (even survived Clifford Chance LLP, London!) for the whimsical world of a full-time writer. Beyond spinning tales, she orchestrates the show at Kosmc.AI, leading content endeavors. Now calling Minnesota home, Mansi has authored four books and worked her word-wizardry editing a multitude of books from writers worldwide, even lending a hand in the publishing realm. Living the writer's dream with a splash of Midwest charm!






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