How to make money as a creator?


Hello, dear content creators. We know you are great at creating online content but we also know that you have doubts about how to sell it to your audience, right? That is why Kosmc.ai is always there to help you build amazing content to push you towards a successful creator and side by side build monetization opportunities for you. So, if you are new as a creator, we would tell you how to make money online.

First of all. develop a loyal and engaged following by consistently delivering high-quality content, and explore revenue opportunities such as sponsored collaborations, merchandise sales, and premium subscriptions to monetize your creative endeavours effectively. Developing a loyal audience on all your social media accounts will be the first step that will help you advertise your stuff online! Of course, you would want the world to know what you are creating, right?

Create UGC or user generated content

What is UGC?

UGC stands for User-Generated Content, which means any content that regular people create and share on the internet. It can be in the form of photos, videos, reviews, blog posts, social media posts, and more. 

Why UGC?

Creating User-Generated Content (UGC) is important because it allows regular people or creators to actively participate and contribute to the online world. When they create UGC, they automatically share their thoughts, experiences, and creativity, which adds diversity and authenticity to the digital landscape. 

UGC is also valuable for businesses and brands because it helps them engage with their audience, gain trust, and learn from their customers’ experiences. It helps brands humanise their image. So, whether it’s posting a photo, writing a review, or sharing a video, creating UGC gives creators a voice and helps shape the online world we all engage with every day. 

Starbucks runs various UGC campaigns, such as the annual “White Cup Contest,” where customers are invited to decorate their Starbucks cups and share their creations on social media using a specific hashtag. Starbucks then selects and features some of the best designs, turning ordinary cups into works of art while promoting customer engagement and creativity.

So, the crux of the matter is to be as authentic as possible while creating content to connect with brands and consumers alike. This would help build the monetization goals that you have set for yourselves for creating amazing content online. After all, the consumer wants to see who are the faces behind that amazing brand? The brands in turn want to know who are actually wearing their clothes or using their products. 

Sell Digital Products

What are digital products?

To make money as a creator, you can sell things that people can download or access online, like ebooks, online courses, photos, music, or software. These are called digital products. You can set up a store online or use special websites to sell your digital products. By doing this, you can earn money by sharing your skills and knowledge with others. Just make sure to promote your products well, so more people know about them and buy them.


Digital books that can be downloaded and read on devices like e-readers, tablets, or smartphones. 

The process consists of first writing your own book and getting it ready to publish. Decide your ebook topic and finish off the book contents. There are a number of platforms where you can publish your book online to earn royalties. Amazon, Barnes and nobles and even google books. Search these platforms online and go step by step in creating your own digital book. According to Niche Pursuits, ebooks allow you to receive monstrous commissions compared to traditional publishing. Depending on pricing, you’re looking at 70% of the selling price from an ebook sale versus 1-7% for traditional publishing.

Source : Zippia

  • The digital publishing market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.4% from 2021 to 2028. Likely due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the digital publishing market is estimated to grow much more than the overall industry. Theoretically, it should grow from $24.6 million in 2021 to $37.9 million by 2028.
  • eBook sales increased by 12.6% from 2019-2020.
    Overall, eBook and audiobook sales have increased by a much steeper rate than that of print. The sales of eBooks alone increased 35% more than that of print.

Online courses: 

Educational materials and lessons that can be accessed online, allowing people to learn about a specific topic or skill at their own pace, paying creators course fee to get their services. 

According to Atomisystems, the eLearning market size is anticipated to exceed $1 trillion by 2027. In fact, it already surpassed $250 billion in 2020.

Source: atomisystems

Besides, the report also indicated that the content providers segment accounted for around 60% eLearning market share in 2019. Especially with the closure of schools and universities globally in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this segment is expected to expand at a substantial growth rate up to 2027.

Udemy and Coursera are two of the online learning platforms that provide opportunities for creators to market and sell their course content. Udemy has a large user base, allowing creators to reach a global audience interested in online learning. It also provides tools for creating the course making it easy for beginners to design their curriculum. On the other hand, Coursera partners with leading universities and institutions to offer high-quality courses, which lends credibility to creators who collaborate with these institutions. There are other online digital platforms where creators can sell their content using whatever knowledge they have regarding a particular subject. Many platforms provide creators with a ready-to-use infrastructure for course creation, marketing support, and a wide learner base. By making use of these platforms, creators can focus on developing high-quality course content while benefiting from the platforms’ marketing reach and tools. The following rules apply when content creators wants to step up their game in selling their online courses:

  • Find a profitable course idea: 

Consider your knowledge, skills, and experiences. What are you passionate about? What unique expertise can you offer? Focus on subjects that you have in-depth knowledge and are enthusiastic about teaching. Research existing courses in your chosen niche to see what is already available. Analyze their content, pricing, student reviews, etc. to see their success rate. 

  • Finding Niche audience: 

Finding your niche audience for your online course. Whether you are preparing for a curriculum that is designed to help people who want to study abroad or sitting for a UPSC exam in India, finding a platform that caters to that field is very important.  

  • Choosing the right platform: 

Identify the platform that aligns with your niche audience. Make sure you evaluate the tools and services provided to you as a creator. Compare with other platforms and finalise what is best for you. 

  • Create goals: 

Creators can choose to offer their online courses as one-time purchases, subscriptions, or as part of a membership site. They can also provide additional resources, live sessions, or personalized support to enhance the value of their courses. Creating such goals can help you progress in your journey and monetizing becomes easy because you know that your content is organized and goals are set. Always be ready when asked ‘What’s next?’ This will help you prepare well in advance. 

Stock photos and graphics: 

High-quality images, illustrations, or graphic designs that can be used by individuals, businesses, or organizations for their websites, marketing materials, or presentations. Photographers and illustrators can sell their work on websites such as shutterstock, adobe stock, getty images etc. where they can get royalties and donations for their work. Selling photos on Adobe Stock, you get 33% royalties for every image you sell, and considering how well-known and favored Adobe Stock is in the creative community, there is a good chance you will make some money. 

When photographers start selling their photos on iStock, they initially earn 15% of the sale price per image. However, they have the option to apply for exclusivity, and if approved, their earnings can increase to between 25% and 40% per sale. On the other hand, all contributors to Getty Images are exclusive, and they receive 20% of the sale price for each photo sold. It’s worth noting that Getty Images generally sells photos at higher prices, so photographers may earn more per sale compared to other platforms.

Source: StockPhotoSecrets

Music and audio files: 

Original music tracks, sound effects, or audio recordings that can be used in various projects like videos, podcasts, or multimedia presentations. 

How do you sell music?

Selling music online refers to the process of offering and distributing music recordings digitally through various online platforms. It involves making your music available for purchase or streaming through websites, online stores, streaming services, or digital music distribution platforms. Listeners can then access and enjoy your music by purchasing it as digital downloads, streaming it on-demand, or subscribing to music streaming services. This allows musicians and artists to reach a broader audience, monetize their music, and distribute their work efficiently in the digital age. 

The steps to sell your music online are:

  • Create high-quality music files: 

Musicians/singers should make sure that the music that they are recording is of a high and professional level. Use best quality microphones, pop filters and other tools that are used by other musicians that are successful at selling their music digitally. Do some research on them and compare products to check the ones that suit your pocket and style. 

  • Using YouTube/Twitch/Live streaming audio tools as a way to build yourself as a brand: 

Set up a channel for yourself on one of these platforms. Give a catchy name and start uploading your recording or just go live! People love listening to their favorite artists when they go live. Don’t forget to use descriptive and keyword-rich titles for your videos to increase visibility in search results. Create engaging video descriptions that provide information about the song, lyrics, and any relevant details. Include links to your website, social media accounts, and where listeners can purchase or stream your music. Set up Kosmc’s Link in Bio and add all your social links at one place. Sign up today at www.kosmc.ai

  • Be a music Teacher:

Music teachers make great money online. For this creators need to build their music curriculum and lessons for online classes. Find their niche students on various platforms. Advertise themselves on social media and start making money. Post covid, people are making money while sitting at home and teaching music instruments and singing lessons to students and people interested in music. 

Software and applications: 

What are software applications? 

Digital tools, programs, or mobile apps designed to fulfil specific functions or tasks, such as productivity tools, photo editing software, or mobile games. 

P.S. – Only if you are good at this skill! Create a high-quality software or application that provides value to your target market. Focus on usability, functionality, and a user-friendly interface. Ensure your software meets industry standards and follows best practices for security and data privacy. Choose the appropriate programming languages and frameworks based on your application’s requirements. Popular options include Python, JavaScript, Java, Ruby, C++, and frameworks like React, Angular, Django, or Ruby on Rails. Familiarise yourself with the chosen languages and frameworks or consider hiring developers with the necessary expertise. 


Software development revenue is expected to reach a market size of $858.10 billion by 2028. This is a CAGR of 5.42% between 2023 and 2028. (Source) VPN Alert.

Digital art and designs: 

This includes digital artwork, illustrations, or designs that can be used for personal enjoyment, commercial purposes, or as part of creative projects. 

NFT’s – New digital products for the creators

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are a special type of digital item that can be bought, sold, and owned just like physical objects. However, instead of being something you can hold in your hands, NFTs exist only in the digital world. Each NFT is unique and cannot be replaced with another one. It’s like owning a special trading card or a rare collectible that nobody else has.

For example, imagine you create a piece of digital artwork, like a picture of a cute cat. You can turn that artwork into an NFT. When you sell the NFT, the buyer gets a special digital certificate that proves they own the original version of your artwork. Even if other people can still view copies of the cat picture online, the owner of the NFT has the exclusive right to say, “I own the original one.” They can even sell it to someone else if they want to.

NFTs have become popular because they allow artists, musicians, and creators to sell and protect their unique digital creations. It’s a way for them to prove the ownership and rarity of their work in the digital world, just like owning a valuable item in the physical world.

How to sell your NFT’s?
  • Choose a blockchain platform or NFT showroom first. Choose the one that serves your purpose and niche audience. 
  • Set up a digital wallet. Set up by adhering to wallet providers instructions. Buy the required cryptocurrency to pay for interactions. 
  • Create your collectible or digital art as per the instruction and file size required. 
  • Put it up in the showroom after connecting your wallet to the marketplace. 
  • Determine the price you want to sell your creation. 

Remember, the process may vary slightly depending on the specific marketplace and blockchain platform you choose. It’s essential to thoroughly research and understand the platform’s guidelines, fees, and terms of service to ensure a smooth selling experience.

Podcasts for monetization:

Podcast creators can make money by having companies pay to advertise on their show. They can also offer special content or extra episodes to people who become members or subscribers. Additionally, creators can ask their listeners for donations or use crowdfunding platforms to support their podcast financially.

The podcast industry is experiencing rapid growth and gaining significant popularity worldwide. Listeners are increasingly drawn to podcasts due to their convenience and accessibility, as they can be enjoyed on-demand and on various devices. The wide range of podcast genres and topics cater to diverse interests, attracting a diverse audience base. The rise of influential podcast hosts and high-quality production values have contributed to the industry’s credibility and appeal. Advertisers recognize the potential of podcasts as an effective marketing channel, leading to increased investment in podcast advertising. With continuous innovation and the emergence of new platforms, the podcast industry shows no signs of slowing down, promising a bright future for creators and listeners alike.

A grand view research study calculated a potential compound annual growth rate of 27.5% for the industry from 2020 to 2027. This means that the podcasting industry is likely to reach $60.5 billion in 2027.

How to start your podcast?

Choose a Topic and Format: 

Create a vision for your podcast. Create a channel for your idea on any of the podcast platforms available in the marketplace. You can create a channel for free for most of these platforms like spotify, apple or google podcasts. Also decide what format you would like for your talk. Would it be interview style episodes or just general talks about any niche topics that you like? Choosing a clear format creates a niche audience for your channel.

Choose a catchy name:  

Choose a catchy name for your podcast that matches your style and topic of discussion. A unique and memorable name will resonate with each episode and will resonate with your target audience. 

Purchase the essential tools:

Buy tools that are needed for your interview and talk. Invest in necessary equipment like a quality microphone, headphones, and recording software to ensure professional sound quality. 

Select editing software: 

Most of the time is consumed after the interview when you sit and edit. There are mistakes, interruptions, blank spaces that need editing post your episode. Research and select reliable editing software that suits your needs and skill level, enabling you to refine and enhance your podcast episodes.

Promote your podcast: 

Create a podcast trailer to be shared on your social media platforms for people to know that you started a channel. Don’t make it too long and be concise in telling people why you created the channel and how people are going to benefit by listening to you. 

Link Dropping: 

Drop your episode links across your social media sites. This way, people will notice when a new episode is released and stay informed.

Podcasts directories: 

Make sure your podcast is available on most of the popular platforms like Spotify, Apple podcasts and Google etc. This helps more visibility plus some people might have fewer options on their phones, and tablets. Also, select relevant categories to improve discoverability.

Utilise your network: 

Tap into your existing network, including friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances, and ask them to listen, subscribe, and share your podcast. Word-of-mouth recommendations can be a powerful way to increase your podcast’s visibility.

Utilise email-Marketing: 

Build an email list of interested listeners and regularly send out newsletters or updates about new episodes, special guests, or exclusive content. This direct communication helps maintain engagement with your audience and encourages them to stay connected with your podcast.

Keep yourself updated with the latest trends in the podcast industry and how big podcasters are making money over the years. Market research will always help creators while helping them grow in selling content online. 

Good luck with selling content online from www.kosmc.ai

The opportunities for content creators to make money online are vast and ever-expanding. By leveraging various digital platforms, monetization strategies, and the power of their creativity, content creators can turn their passion into a sustainable income stream. Whether it’s through selling digital products, offering online courses, creating and selling NFTs, or exploring other avenues like podcasting or stock photography, the key lies in providing value to an engaged audience. Building a loyal following, honing their craft, and adapting to changing trends are crucial for long-term success. With determination, strategic thinking, and a commitment to continuous improvement, content creators can thrive in the digital landscape while doing what they love and reaping the financial rewards.

Signup on www.kosmc.ai and explore creator tools for creating awesome content and monetization.

Mansi Narula Kashyap, a Delhiite with a flair for Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, traded the corporate hustle (even survived Clifford Chance LLP, London!) for the whimsical world of a full-time writer. Beyond spinning tales, she orchestrates the show at Kosmc.AI, leading content endeavors. Now calling Minnesota home, Mansi has authored four books and worked her word-wizardry editing a multitude of books from writers worldwide, even lending a hand in the publishing realm. Living the writer's dream with a splash of Midwest charm!

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